Sunday, 20 April 2014

Light pipes 

·         Used for transporting or distributing natural or artificial light for the purpose of illumination,
·         Example of optical waveguides
·         Also called tubular daylighting devices, sun pipes, sun scopes, or daylight pipes.
·         divided into two broad categories
1.      hollow structures that contain the light with a reflective lining
2.      transparent solids that contain the light by total internal reflection.
  • A tube or pipe for transport of light to another location, minimizing the loss of light;
  • A transparent tube or pipe for distribution of light over its length, either for equidistribution along the entire length or for controlled light leakage.
·         A pipe that sticks out of a building's roof and reflects sunlight directly into an interior room.


·         Provide natural light and of saving energy.
·         Transmitted light varies over the day and can be used with artificial light to have a constant illuminating level
·         Also used for underground structures which have no access to light.
·         More energy efficient than skylight since less energy escapes from the interior due to less surface area.


·         less effective in cloudy weather as clouds obstruct incident sunlight from the rooftop collector
·         light pipes can still allow some heat transfer as well as condensation
·         increase the heating or cooling load for the space


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